Gross Potential Rental Income


What is Gross Potential Rental Income?

Gross Potential Rental Income displays the highest possible rental income that can be collected from a property. This figure is calculated monthly by multiplying the number of units or square footage (before factoring in any general vacancy) by the market monthly rent. This value is essential to calculating Effective Gross Income, which can then be used to calculate Net Operating Income.

Gross Potential Rental Income vs. Effective Gross Income

Gross Potential Rental Income includes the potential rental income leased at market rates, while Effective Gross Income takes into account other factors such as vacancies, concessions, other income, non-revenue units, and bad debt. Therefore, Effective Gross Income provides a more accurate estimate for how much income a property will actually generate, whereas the Gross Potential Rental Income provides a better estimation of the max potential revenue the property can generate.

If you have a property with 10 units with a market rent of $1,000 per month, then the Gross Potential Rental Income would be 10 units multiplied by $1,000 or $10,000 per month.

Gross Potential Rental Income in Real Estate

At Top Shelf Models, the Gross Potential Rental Income is typically one of the top lines in the revenue section on the cashflows. It provides a baseline of the total potential income a property can earn. It is important to have a good estimate of this metric since it is one of the biggest revenue items. Additionally, general vacancy, concessions, bad debt, and non-revenue unit assumptions can be based off a percentage of the Gross Potential Rental Revenue. If the Gross Potential Rental Revenue metric is incorrect, this can throw off the Effective Gross Income and ultimately the Net Operating Income, providing an incorrect perception of the profitability of operating the property.


Gross Potential Rental Income is essential to real estate professionals as it shows a property’s maximum potential ability to accrue income. This information serves as an important baseline for any evaluation of a property’s value and helps investors assess just how much revenue a given property can generate. 

About the Author

Brittany Martin is TSM’s Vice President who has developed real estate financial models for an extensive range of property types. She specializes in hotel, land, and storage models. Please reach out to her if you have any questions about Gross Potential Rental Income or if she can help you with your modeling needs.

Brittany Martin