Soft costs are all intangible expenses not directly related to the construction of the property. These costs include legal fees, permit fees, engineering fees, project management fees, architectural fees, etc. Typically, soft costs represent 15-30% of the total construction budget.
Soft costs also include expenses that continue after project completion such as building maintenance, insurance, security, and other fees associated with upkeep of the property.
The main difference between soft costs and hard costs is that hard costs end at delivery, whereas soft costs can continue after completion of the project.
Hard costs are immediately incurred upon construction and make up a major portion of the construction budget. Hence, they are important to accurately factor in as they can determine whether a project is feasible or not. If your construction budget is too high, that might indicate you need to reevaluate how you are allocating funds between your hard and soft construction costs. The more accurate your cost estimate is, the lesser the risk of all parties involved.