Land Development Model (1 Phase)

Land Development Model (1 Phase)


TSM’s Excel-based model for Land Development.

This model contains 1 phase of Construction.

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The model is a 100% unlocked Excel file with fully transparent formulas. The TSM real estate financial model will be precise and error free. While it is fully customizable, we are confident you won’t need to make time-consuming adjustments because we have done everything for you.

The purchase includes a 1-hour complimentary consultation with the analyst that developed the model - valued at $250.

This model includes the following features:

  • Investor Summary - Printable 2-page formatted summary with return calculations

  • Error check - allows for quick insight into the accuracy of the financial model

  • Model Outputs - used for investor relations reports/packages and includes sources/uses, capital stack, project costs, rent roll, hypothetical investor returns, etc.

  • Assumptions - general, acquisition, timing, debt and waterfall assumptions.  Also includes summary statistics, rent roll, vacancy assumptions, capex assumptions and sensitivity table

  • Debt Assumptions - Loan details for each specific phase can be entered here. This tab is also used to size the debt and equity needs for the project

  • Construction Budget - with ability to control timing on each specific line item and select if the calculation is fixed, $/sf, or percentage (%)

  • The Lot Takedown - takes the takedown assumptions form the assumptions tab and details an absorption schedule for each lot type and phase.

  • Monthly Cashflow - with hyperlinks, circular break, and detailed analysis of unlevered and levered cashflows

  • Annual Cashflow - with hyperlinks and detailed analysis of unlevered and levered cashflows

  • Waterfall - with the number of tiers selected in the custom model builder